Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Friday, November 20, 2009

Anniversary Pledge

My dearest wife
Two decades Plus eight today
I loved you then, I certainly still do now
Another 28 or more?
But atlas I fear this body might not obey
I will appreciate every moment now
Happy 28th Anniversary Today
to be together is blest
But to be with Him even far better
Let's make a pledge this day
When the roll is called yonder
Let's be there!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Got up this morning, rather excited and headed for the stadium. it's gonna be my maiden run.I was looking forward to this the whole week. I was on my way almost near to my destination, I saw a lone runner with the t-shirt, the same one I was wearing. Horrors of horrors, it then dawn upon me, I might have been late.No, no, I refused to believe that. Going towards the stadium there were marshalls, policemen every where. The truth sets in. I was indeed late!
What is the moral of this story.? you might have registered,paid your dues and have all the necessary outfit,and even be ready, but unless you are in the race. It don't count. you have to run together with every one. Lesson learnt be on time.and be ready! I might missed this race, but I sure don't want to miss the race Paul is taking about.
see more on the articles here.

Gotta run now, I dont want to be late for church.